Drawing In Public
This is 65 for April 8, 2010 - Drawing In Public
Thank You For Flying Raspberry Air
This is 65 for April 2, 2010 - Thank You For Flying Raspberry Air What's even worse is that raspberry's drunk.
Health Care
This is 65 for March 31, 2010 - Health Care If you're wondering what Bekah's playing it's probably Left 4 Dead 2.
Road Work
This is 65 for March 29, 2010 - Road Work This is dedicated to East Lombard St. If you guys ever finish working on that fucking road, I would like to drive on it.
Super Excited
This is 65 for March 26, 2010 - Super Excited You know what they need to put on Rock Band? The Dutch version of Barbie Girl.
More Things I Know About Twilight
This is 65 for March 24, 2010 - More Things I Know About Twilight Is Kristen Stewart related to Leno?
Proximity Mines
This is 65 for March 22, 2010 - Proximity Mines This comic is dedicated to all of those who have fallen prey to proximity mines, or in the case of Perfect Dark, N-Bombs.
How Do I Go On
This is 65 for March 19, 2010 - How Do I Go On Ew.
Alex Overreacts To Things Part 7
This is 65 for March 17, 2010 - Alex Overreacts To Things Part 7 Sorry there's no St. Patrick's Day comic. Here's Alex.
Take Out Chef
This is 65 for March 15, 2010 - Take Out Chef For anyone who doesn't know, this it totally a real show, and every episode come this close to turning into a porno.
Cup Of Sugar
This is 65 for March 8, 2010 - Cup Of Sugar The joke is that it's unreasonable.
Cactus Rodeo
This is 65 for March 4, 2010 - Cactus Rodeo After that last comic making fun of comics I wanted to see what Cactus Rodeo would actually be like...apparently it's like Lethal Weapon but with a cactus.
I Don’t Want To Buy Your Shirts
This is 65 for March 3, 2010 - I Don't Want To Buy Your Shirts I don't usually like doing comics bashing other comics but fuck me, I wish people would spend a little more time creating a comic that's actually good than hocking their shit at you.
Jonathan Vs The Wind
This is 65 for March 2, 2010 - Jonathan Vs The Wind Damn sharks.
Disabled Werewolf
This is 65 for March 1, 2010 - Disabled Werewolf If my vision was better this comic wouldn't exist.
Atheists Are Dicks
This is 65 for February 22, 2010 - Atheists Are Dicks Calvin and Hobbes has to be one of the best and most influential comics I've ever read. Â This was enormously fun to draw.
Fri Ta Tohs
This is 65 for February 19, 2010 - Fri Ta Tohs Kevin Smith and Diablo Cody should get married and have untalented children who also think they can write.
This is 65 for February 17, 2010 - Cosmo Also in this issue: We still love boobs, with a special editorial on how boobs aren't any less awesome today than they were yesterday.
He Was Just Being Friendly
This is 65 for February 15, 2010 - He Was Just Being Friendly I thought that he thought that I was robbing my mom's house.
No More Shoveling
This is 65 for February 11, 2010 - No More Shoveling I would kill my first born child if it meant that I wouldn't have to shovel any more snow for the rest of my life.