This Happens Every Single Day

This Happens Every Single Day

Happy 2016! Oh what, it’s March already? Oh, when was the last time I made a comic? HAHA I DON’T REMEMBER EITHER. Anywayyyyy, here’s a comic that I actually stumbled on. I sketched this out a really long time ago, and never finished it because it was...
Tasty Party

Tasty Party

Every time you hear your stomach making weird noises after you eat? It’s your food screaming.
Men Have It Rough

Men Have It Rough

I had this idea, oh, probably a couple months ago, back when Mad Max came out and Men’s Rights idiots got all angry about capable women. So it’s not that topical anymore, but I figure if I wait long enough it’ll be topical again.
Future Nostalgia

Future Nostalgia

My original idea for this strip was to talk about the 90’s. I ended up talking about my future self more, obviously.