Centaur of Attention

Centaur of Attention

My wife and I had this conversation while watching Harry Potter, so, there you have it.  Also, I have 2 notes for this comic: -Worst comic title ever? -If you told me that the most amount of time I’d spend on this comic was perfecting the look and shading of a...
Ant Misbehavin’

Ant Misbehavin’

I started this comic about a month or so ago and completely forgot what direction I was going with it.  Credit where credti’s due, my friend Ned gave me the ending.  I have no idea how it was originally supposed to end but this is definitely better.
African Lycanthropy

African Lycanthropy

If you’re not familiar with the song “Africa” by Toto, this comic will not work. This song is 100% about a man grappling with his werewolf affliction.  Watch the video and tell me that theory doesn’t work.