Romancing The Stupid Big Rock

Romancing The Stupid Big Rock

Got a new tablet! Knocked this guy out in 2 days after rewatching Michael Douglas somehow trade a big stone for a gigantic boat. HOW? HOW DOES THAT WORK?
Cactus in Chains

Cactus in Chains

This is another one of those comics where I started drawing with literally no plan in mind. A stream of conscious comic if you will.
I Got 99 Problems and They All Relate to Gnomes

I Got 99 Problems and They All Relate to Gnomes

I started this comic so long ago that I actually don’t even like it anymore. I also tried to come up with a million gnome-related puns for the title but I couldn’t. So I think the lesson is I shouldn’t make comics about gnomes?
Coping Mechanisms

Coping Mechanisms

Here’s a comic I started drawing towards the beginning of the pandemic and then lost the motivation to finish, hence fulfilling the prophecy of the comic.
Nobody’s That Big in Real Life

Nobody’s That Big in Real Life

I started drawing this right after the new Godzilla came out in theaters, and finished in right before the new Godzilla is released for home video. Making comics is hard, you guys.