This is 65 for June 18, 2008 – Commencement Week
There are 2 things the denizens of Annapolis dread every year. In October it’s boat show. In June it’s the Naval Academy commencement week. I like to try and be as publicly obnoxious as possible during both events.
Tisk, tisk…you should be proud to live in Maryland’s State Capital!! YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK? (yeah, right) Is that why all streets are only wide enough for one (and I say one) of Henry Ford’s Model T cars. Familiar with the concept of a ‘behavioral sink’?…many rats in a confined space (Annapolis) to a point where they (the politicians, er rats) start weeding the herd (read cannibalizing) to make more room. (true story – the behavioral sink, that is)