Stressful Life Events

Stressful Life Events

Hey Brandon, wanna do a game night?  I have a new game I want to play.  The deadliest game.

African Lycanthropy

African Lycanthropy

If you're not familiar with the song "Africa" by Toto, this comic will not work. This song is 100% about a man grappling with his werewolf affliction.  Watch the video and tell me that theory doesn't work.

Everything Works Out Perfectly

Everything Works Out Perfectly

So spoiler alert, Bekah and I are buying a house!  Update: we're trying to buy a house!  Update: Buying a house is stressful, why didn't anyone tell me!?  Update: Everyone told me, I was doing something else, I wasn't listening, I was probably playing Skyrim.

Critical Failure

Critical Failure

This is based off a really fun D&D-esque campaign we played on episode 94 of This is 65 the Podcast.  It is almost exactly what happened.

Swimming in Comics Awards

Swimming in Comics Awards

I started this particular comic, obviously, like a month ago when it was relevant. It probably would have been better to post this a month ago, but I guess at the end of the day I'd rather be an artist behind schedule than a terrible president. Am I right?!

How to Drive in Maryland

How to Drive in Maryland

I wonder how accessible this comic is outside of Maryland. If you're not familiar, let me catch you up to speed. Nobody knows how to drive in Maryland when weather happens. Any weather. Not even weather, literally when daylight savings happens people forget how to...

Fish, Not Fear

Fish, Not Fear

No! You're being the wrong kind of monger! KNOCK IT OFF.

I’m Going Out For Lunch

I’m Going Out For Lunch

This is why we can't have nice things. Incidentally, this is also why we have such good luck!

This Happens Every Single Day

This Happens Every Single Day

Happy 2016! Oh what, it's March already? Oh, when was the last time I made a comic? HAHA I DON'T REMEMBER EITHER. Anywayyyyy, here's a comic that I actually stumbled on. I sketched this out a really long time ago, and never finished it because it was going to continue...

Tasty Party

Tasty Party

Every time you hear your stomach making weird noises after you eat? It's your food screaming.

Men Have It Rough

Men Have It Rough

I had this idea, oh, probably a couple months ago, back when Mad Max came out and Men's Rights idiots got all angry about capable women. So it's not that topical anymore, but I figure if I wait long enough it'll be topical again.

Future Nostalgia

Future Nostalgia

My original idea for this strip was to talk about the 90's. I ended up talking about my future self more, obviously.

Status Update

Status Update

I could literally do hundreds of this exact same comic, just with different words every time.

Morning Routine

Morning Routine

I woke up this morning and found I didn't understand anything that was happening on my newsfeed. I'm done, see ya later!

Shrine to the “Incident”

Shrine to the “Incident”

Years ago, when I first started This is 65, I drew a comic about what I'd do if I lost a hand. My wife is a huge fan of that comic and often talks about how much she loves it, but I hate it, because of how old and shitty it looks. So she said "just make a new one,...

Super Vortex

Super Vortex

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but it's getting kind of crazy outside. Watch out for the Yetis.